Mazatlan, Sonora, Mexico

"Scala 3" Sculpture
H42 cm_Recycled polystyrene, sand, paint

"Scala 4" Sculpture
H28 cm_Recycled polystyrene, sand, paint

"Scala 6" Set of sculptures
H34 cm_Recycled polystyrene, sand, paint

"Scala 6" Set of sculptures
H34 cm_On display in a project by Zyva Studio in Paris

"Scala 16" Set of sculptures
Recycled polystyrene, sand, glitter, paint

"Scala 8" Sculpture
H24 cm_Recycled polystyrene, sand, recycled paint

"Scala 9" Set of sculptures
H28 cm_Recycled polystyrene, sand, recycled paint

"Scala 10" Set of sculptures
H25 cm_Recycled polystyrene, sand, recycled paint

"Scala 8/9/10" Sculptures
On display in a project by Atelier Leymarie Gourdon in Paris

"Scala 8/9/10" Sculptures
On display in a project by Atelier Leymarie Gourdon in Paris

"Scala 13" Set of sculptures
Recycled polystyrene, sand, glitter

"Scala 15" Set of sculptures
Recycled polystyrene, sand, glitter, paint

"Scala 2" Set of sculptures
Recycled polystyrene, sand, paint

"Scala 1" Set of sculptures
Recycled polystyrene, sand, paint

"Scala 17" Sculpture
Recycled polystyrene, sand, paint